Federico Massimiliano Mozzano
1984-1989 I graduated from the State Institute for Film and TV , Roberto Rossellini, with the qualification of cameraman and directory of photography 1992-1996 University of Letters and History of Art. La Sapienza . Roma 1987-1989 Internship at the National Photographic . Began working in archaeological contexts at a young age first as an assistant then as a photographer . Same important photographic campaigns, on behalf of the Archaeological Superintendence of Rome 1994 Archaeological superintendence of rome , archaeological findings , palatine excavation 1996-1998 photographic campaign Flavian Amphitheater - Arch of Constantine 1997 Archaeological superintendence of rome , photographic campaign Palatine -Foro Romano , sculptures 1999 Archaeological superintendence of rome, photographic campaign Santa Maria Antiqua - frescoes 2000 Archaeological superintendence of rome, photographic campaign Jubilee-Sculpture- archaeological excavations Temple of Romulus- frescoes 2001 Archaeological superintendence of rome, Domus Picta 2003 Soprintendenza archeologica di rome, Foro Romano vessels,coins,bronzes,sculptures,frescoes, marbles 2011 Documentation of the underground Baths of Caracalla and the monument injuries 2012 Documentation on behalf of the Austrian Historical Superintendence of the marble remains of the Basilica Ulpia in the Forum of Trajan 2016 Sant’Agata.Santa Maria Antiqua 2017-2020 Produce photo campaigns and playbills for important national theaters : Teatro Quirino - Teatro Argentina -Teatro India - Teatro Il Piccolo 2022 Currently working on behalf of a private fund on the documentation of museum artifacts from the late Roman period
L’Espresso, La Republica, Il Fatto Quotidiano, D La Repubblica, La Stampa, Corriere della Sera. Il Sole 24Ore, Il Messaggero, Electa Mondadori, Il Giornale dell’Arte, Exibart, Courier International, Femme, Dodho Magazine, Vanity Fair